April 2020


MPs Call on Chancellor to Support Aviation

Please click HERE to view the letter sent by the APPG-GA to the Chancellor on 20th April. Signed by APPG Co-Chair Lord Davies, the letter stresses the critical situation now facing the UK’s aviation sector: “Members [of Parliament] are extremely concerned that the UK’s vital aviation industry faces an existential threat due to the Coronavirus […]


UK Aviation Companies Help in COVID Battle

Members of the British Business and General Aviation Association (BBGA) are delivering vital support to the country in the COVID-19 crisis. According to Marc Bailey, BBGA CEO: In this current situation, grappling with the pandemic, we are rightly recognising our wonderful front-line staff in the NHS and beginning to understand the critical importance of supply


GAAC Stays in Touch With Airfields…

The latest version of the Aerodromes Update was compiled by John Walker last week and can be accessed HERE. Please let GAAC (or John if you have his contact details) know of any updates, errors or omissions (gaac.alerts@gmail.com or via @GAAC_Alerts on Twitter). At this difficult time GAAC continues to work on behalf of airfields


CAA Issues Aircraft Maintenance Guidance

GA flights for maintenance checks, ferry, and engine health under COVID-19… The Government today published information on General Aviation flying (non-complex aircraft including microlights, amateur built and historic aircraft, balloons, gliders, piston twins and singles up to 5,700kg maximum take-off weight and single pilot helicopters up to 3,175kg) during the current COVID-19 restrictions which states


Air League Warns GA Could “Largely Collapse” in 2020

The Air League Statement on General Aviation includes the following: General Aviation “The General Aviation (GA) community is the grass roots or lifeblood of aviation and fundamentally important to the future of the industry. It trains the pilots and aircrew needed to supply future growth across the globe. “The Air League is concerned that this


EU Resolution Represents Much-Needed Boost For GA

With COVID-19 having increasingly dominated the news since 2020 started, it is worth noting that in February the European Parliament gave a big thumbs up to General Aviation (GA) by passing a Resolution under which EC member states are encouraged to adopt a raft of principles that will help preserve, foster and promote the sector

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