March 2021


List of Airfields Under Threat Updated

Please follow this link to read the status of various airfields on the list, which is compiled and updated by John Walker on behalf of AOPA UK and the General Aviation Awareness Council: GAAC QUARTERLY — AERODROMES UPDATE The GAAC planning team led by Vice Chairman John Gilder continues to work alongside Supporting Aviation Organisations […]


Airfields are “Irreplaceable Infrastructure”

The GAAC has responded to a request to expand in detail on its response to the UK Government on its Planning White Paper. INTRODUCTION Last year the General Aviation Awareness Council (GAAC) submitted representations and recommendations in response to the Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government’s (MHCLG’s) August 2020 White Paper consultation, ‘Planning for


CAA Urges Care in Resuming Flying

Please see this CAA Safety Notice. This has been published following CAA consultation with GA stakeholders (through the GA Partnership, in which GAAC participates) since early March. As part of the easing of Covid restrictions in the coming weeks, from the 29th of March GA flying for non-professional purposes for solo pilots, or individuals flying


Flight Plan Out of Lockdown?

The UK Government has updated its website giving guidance of a return to recreational flying and training — 29 March for solo/family/bubble flying, and 12 April for non-professional training… Meanwhile, “No earlier than 21 June,” general Covid restrictions will be lifted but in the meantime “Hands – Face – Space” still applies. Let’s Stay Safe


BBGA Prepares for Annual Conference

In this week’s Business Travel News Marc Bailey, CEO of the British Business and General Aviation Association (BBGA) and a GAAC Board Member, previews the upcoming virtual BBGA annual conference. This will take place on Thursday, 4th March. He also reflects on the past year, with its last BBGA conference having been on the cusp

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