The GAAC advises numerous airfields around the UK each year as they face planning or other issues, some of which threaten their very existence. With so many airfields lost previously and many other remaining under threat of closure, the GAAC is working hard to safeguard the future of the UK’s General Aviation sector – the GAAC’s supporters include several prominent UK GA associations.
The GAAC was created by the aviation associations to bring together GA in the UK on common issues affecting airfields with the aim of presenting one voice to government and other bodies. This came after the industry was told by many such entities that they found it difficult and confusing to deal with so many different aviation associations on the same issues.
Our small team of volunteers relies on these associations (who also make up most of the GAAC Board) and other donations (from companies and individuals) to meet its expenses and provide initial and ongoing support.
At present the GAAC is engaged across multiple issues, perhaps most pressingly several large, above-ground pylon routes, proposed by National Grid, which will impact many aerodromes in their vicinity.
More usually the work of the GAAC is case specific and requires considerable confidentiality and discretion. Currently 30 cases are actively being dealt with. 41 further matters are pending and 49 have been closed, with the issue resolved or withdrawn.
The GAAC also regularly meets with Government and works closely with the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Aviation and in particular the APPG’s Airfields Working Group.
The GAAC’s mission is to defend airfields where threatened by Planning and Property issues.
Ultimately the GAAC would like to see legislation enacted to better protect airfields as key infrastructure and, if possible, to create a Strategic Airfields Network (SAN) protected in law. Until that time, our outreach to Government, allied to submissions to Local Planning Authorities, principally work on a case-by-base basis. The GAAC responds to Government Consultations, most recently in relation to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
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