Lord Rotherwick is the current President of the GAAC. Whilst in the House of Lords, his advocacy for General Aviation in debates such as the Housing and Planning Bill is well documented. Please click here to see the Hansard account.
After twenty years as Chairman of the GAAC, in 2024 the Board offered Charles the role of Vice President in order to ensure his continuing and invaluable contribution. Charles graciously accepted and attends all Board meetings in his new role. Charles remains Chair of the Taxation Working Group of the APPG for Aviation
Matt is the Deputy Chairman of the Airfield Operators Group and has been CAA Accountable Aerodrome Manager of Old Buckenham since 2011. He heads the Airfields Working Group and Airshows Working Group of the APPG for Aviation and is the author of CAA CAST Safeguarding Guidance.
In addition he has organised the Award Winning Old Buckenham Airshow since 2012 and is the current Chairman of the British Air Display Association, the only industry body for Airshows and Air Displays.
Simon is the CEO of the Light Aircraft Association (in role since 2023) and was elected as Vice Chair of the GAAC in December 2024.
An enthusiastic and experienced private pilot, Simon Tilling has been flying for 10 years. In his words, “my wife bought me a trial flying lesson for my birthday. I went for the flight which was at Old Sarum, and that was it. I was hooked and it was ‘love at first flight’ you might say.”
He has owned a wide variety of light aircraft in the years since, including a number of LAA types. A keen air-racer, Simon is also a former British Air Racing champion and from 2020 to 2022, was the chairman of the Royal Aero Club ‘3Rs’ committee for Races, Records and Rallies, during which time he regenerated the appeal of airracing to new participants. He currently enjoys flying his 1942 Taylorcraft Plus D/AOP 1, and a North American Navion.
Ann 's initial career as a Town Planner over 15 years saw her also become Chair of the South West branch of the Royal Town Planning Institute.
Her path into aviation and the planning matters which surround it started as she lead the team who seamlessly moved Farnborough from an MoD to civil airport. She then proceeded to become Planning and Development Director of Farnborough, then Operations Director of TAG Farnborough Airport whilst simultaneously holding the roles of Governor of Farnborough College of Technology, Director of the Blackwater Valley Enterprise Trust and Member of the Rushmoor Community Partnership.
Later work saw her be the Planning Advisor to London Luton Airport, work with BAE at Filton and prepare the masterplans for Bournemouth and Manston Airports.
Redhill Aerodrome was the next beneficiary where over five years as CEO she oversaw the remodeling, renovation and expansion.
She is a Fellow of both the Royal Geographical Society and Royal Aeronautical Society, as well as a Royal Aero Club Silver Medal recipient.
Roger sits on the Development Committee of the British Gliding Association. In addition he is Treasurer of the GAAC and was elected to a fresh three year term in December 2024.
Marc is the CEO of the British Business and General Aviation Association and is also President of ECOGAS (European Council of General Aviation Support) which maintains a voice with EASA.
Marc is chair of the UKASF (United Kingdom Airworthiness Strategic Forum) as part of an initiative to develop Aviation Services across all aviation activities. He also chairs the CAA Finance and Services Forum which allows industry in the UK to discuss in the financial plans for the CAA and the value for money delivered by those funds paid by industry.
Under recent developments Marc has formed an alliance with, ARPAS, AOPA, BHA and BBGA so that we can strengthen our voice under a joint 'GA 4 Biz' banner. This alliance is working to do everything possible to represent the industry's business interests with UK government and to help realise the Government's desire to make UK General Aviation a Global Leader in a post Brexit environment.
The next Generation initiatives with industry and government have continued to develop with the retention platform now evolving into the “Aviation Skills Recruitment Platform”. The platform now not only offers a vehicle for those offering and seeking posts in aviation, it also provides pathways with its TalentView portion seeking to provide pathways for new entrants into our sector.
Graham has served as a director of a wide range of international and British businesses in the technology, manufacturing, services, e-retail and financial services sectors. His breadth of experience includes business development, marketing, acquisitions, turnaround as well as fund raising and investment in the UK, Europe, North America and Asia Pacific markets.Graham’s most recent role was as Group CEO of an aluminium powder coating business where he continues part time as non-executive Chairman and as Vice-Chairman of Qualicoat, the industry standards organisation. Earlier in his career Graham was CEO of an FCA authorised and regulated financial services firm and member of the London Stock Exchange.Growing up in the Middle East, Graham has lived in Germany, Singapore and the USA. Graham read Applied Psychology for a BSc (Tech) Hons at the University of Wales, Cardiff.
Allie is the nominated representative of the British Women Pilots Association. One of the World's leading balloonists, Allie has flown in 119 countries, the female World Record and she is currently aiming to take the overall record of 127 countries held by her late husband, Phil.
Allie started flying balloons in 2004 and she quickly became one of the leading female balloon pilots in the UK always seeking to encourage more women into the sport and profession. Allie is the first female commercial and type-rating examiner in the UK. She holds a UK CPL/ BPL/EASA Group D commercial licence and is a qualified Part 66 engineer and instructor.
Tim is CEO of the British Helicopter Association. The BHA is the voice of the UK civil helicopter industry. Working in partnership with industry and trade bodies such as the European Business Aircraft Association, the British Business and General Aviation Association, and the Helicopter Club of Great Britain, the BHA has achieved remarkable results to the benefit of the entire civil rotorcraft sector.
The BHA is a member of the CAA Financial Services Forum that monitors the industry scheme of charges in relation to the CAA’s regulatory and financial performance. In 2011 the BHA negotiated the expansion of the CAA charging bands for onshore helicopters to permit a greater flexibility in aircraft operating numbers without the penalty of charges relating to a higher band.
Rob is the Chief Executive of the British Microlight Aircraft Association.
The Chief Executive is responsible for the overall management of the BMAA and its staff members. One of the CEO's main roles is liaising with outside agencies such as the CAA and Department for Transport to ensure a fair and proportionate regulatory framework for microlighting in the UK.
Rob joined the BMAA as a staff member in October 2021; he started volunteering for the BMAA back in 2003 and joined council in 2004. Rob was BMAA chairman for 7 years, stepping down to take on the CEO role.
Rob has worked in sports administration since 2007. His previous background is in events and construction. He has been actively involved in sporting aviation since 2003 and has held his role at the BMAA for seven years, having been a council member since 2004 and held the role of Vice Chair in that time.
Trevor is Vice Chairman of the Vintage Aircraft Club.
The present Vintage Aircraft Club has evolved from the Vintage Aircraft Group, which was originally formed in 1964. The change of name in 1974 reflected the expanding membership and scope of the club. The aim of the Vintage Aircraft Club is to provide a focal body for owners, pilots and enthusiasts of vintage and classic light aircraft by arranging fly ins and other events for the benefit of its members.
Dave has been a BMFA staff member since 2003, becoming CEO in 2005. He served as the Power Nationals Co-ordinator from 2010 until 2021. Dave is also General Secretary of the Royal Aero Club.
Dave has also served as Europe Air Sports Technical Officer for Unmanned Aircraft since 2015 and was a member of EASA’s Expert Group working on the finalisation of the EU regulations for unmanned aircraft. In 2016, he was a founder member of the European Model Flying Union along with colleagues from the German, Austrian and Swiss Aero Clubs who came together to formalise support for his ongoing work with EASA on behalf of the wider model flying community. He was voted in for a third term as President in 2021. The EMFU currently represents 125,000 model flyers throughout Northern Europe. Dave has been a member of the BMFA since 1983 and has flown gliders, fixed wing powered aircraft, helicopters and multi-rotors. He is a current member of the Shillito Wood Model Flying Group. He lives on the edge of the Peak District in Derbyshire with his wife Janine and six horses. He has two grown up children. In his ‘spare’ time he is the long-standing Chairman of his local Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee.
Richie is The Master of the Houourable Company of Air Pilots.
The HCAP are a Livery Company of the City of London; a philanthropic membership organisation which represents and protects the interests and welfare of pilots and navigators and strives to encourage and assist all those (from any background) who wish to become a pilot.
John represents the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Within the GAAC he authors and maintains the 'Aerodromes Update' which chronicles airfields with issues and challenges, working with our Head of Planning in the process.
AOPA's mission: to represent the interests of our members by
“Securing our freedom to fly” through Influence, Information and Assistance.
AOPA acts as an influencer of policy and regulation that supports the continued operations, development and long-term future of General Aviation including businesses, private flying and aerodromes within the United Kingdom building on our extensive network and global relationships. We provide valuable services to our members through the provision of information and knowledge and provide direct assistance allowing our members to conduct their operations in a safe, efficient, sustainable and enjoyable manner and fully exploiting their freedoms to fly.
Andrew has recently joined the Board, representing the Flying Farmers Association.
The FFA are an association of farmers, foresters and landowners who own an aircraft or operate an airstrip. Those who work in businesses related to agriculture may also be eligible to join. They organise events for members normally 6-7 each year. Over the last 40 years, they have visited almost every country in Europe and some North African countries. They donate 20% of membership fees to AOPA, LAA, GAAC and GASCo and have representation at the major bodies within aviation, GAAC, GAP and GASCo.
Working together ensures their voice is heard and allows them to protect our right and privilege to be able to operate our own strips. They cooperate and keep a good relationship with Search and Rescue, Border Agency, Special Branch and the Air Ambulance.