Author name: Ian Sheppard

Working to help UK airfields to survive planning and other challenges, and to establish a legally-recognised Strategic Airfield Network in the UK.


GAAC Response to Brownfield Passport Consultation

GAAC has issued a response to a Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government Working Paper on Brownfield Land, ‘Brownfield Passport: Making the Most of Urban Land’. In this response Matt Wilkins, Chairman of the GAAC, calls for airfields to be exempted from the NPPF definition of ‘previously developed land’ for planning purposes, due to

AIRFIELDS, General, News

GAAC Announces Matt Wilkins as new Chairman

Following many years in the capable hands of Charles Henry, the new chair of the General Aviation Awareness Council, Matt Wilkins, was elected at the recent GAAC Board Meeting. The Board thanked Charles for his many years of service and hard work on various issues including taxation, for which he chaired the APPG for (General)

AIRFIELDS, General, News

GAAC Highlights GA Issues & Opportunities

The General Aviation Awareness Council has listed what it sees as the principal issues and opportunities for UK General Aviation, and highlighted how it, and its supporting GA organisations, are keen to work closely with Government. This has today been issued as a News Release to Media. If you have an queries please contact


Attending the AOPA UK AGM

With various supporting organisations around the UK General Aviation universe, it was interesting yesterday to attend the AOPA AGM at its relatively ‘new’ HQ at Kemsing, Kent. A very versatile building with a Board room at the top and a large lecture theatre below suitable for talks, meetings and seminars – such as the Flight


Are You Going to the ‘Private Flyer’ Show?

The Private Flyer show will take place this week on Friday and Saturday (17-18 May 2024). Check out the programme (hosted by Flying Reporter, Jon Hunt) and list of exhibitors at the Private Flyer website. This also outlines clearly all the show’s attractions. GAAC will not have a stand this year but some of our

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