Will 2021 See Airfields Protected?

The last Aerodromes Update of 2020 brings few surprises but continued trends as some airfields slip gradually towards becoming “Garden Villages” — lost forever to GA — and others manage to cling on with an invaluable mention in a Local Plan that they are earmarked to remain airfields.

Meanwhile we all await the eventual resumption of post-virus normality and hope there is enough Parliamentary time left for General Aviation Associations and the APPG-GA to pull a proverbial hat out of the bag; the Holy Grail of UK GA — some real legislation cementing airfields into a fully-recognised network, while recognising them as valuable infrastructure that is a positive contributor to the UK economy.

Until airfields have that, how can anyone make long-term plans? How can airlines and other operators get their pilots of tomorrow?

The GAAC would like to wish all the supporting associations and their members, individual supporters, and everyone we’ve worked with over the past year (regulators, government, planning consultants, members of the public, the media, and so on), a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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