Flying Farmers Association

The Association is open to any farmer, forester or landowner who owns an aircraft or operates an airstrip. Those whose work in businesses is related to agriculture may also be eligible to join.

Our main activity for members is organising events – Annually, 6 or 7 one day events, some 2 day events and a European Study Tour which is usually about 10 days are organised for members. Over the last 35 years, we have visited almost every country in Europe and some North African countries.

We aim to be recognised by all the major bodies within aviation by having representatives at GAAC, GAP and GASCo. We also donate 10% of our membership fees to AOPA, LAC, GAAC and GASCo. By so doing, our voice is heard at their meetings in order to try and protect our right and privaledge to be able to fly from and operate our own strips.

We cooperate and keep a good relationship with Search and Rescue, the Border Agency, Special Branch and the Air Ambulence.

We issue regular newsletters, which are of great interest to our members. The newsletter and the website contain:-

  • The programme of events for the current year (members only)
  • Items of news that may concern members (members only)
  • The Membership List (members only)
  • Airfield Liability Insurance at special rates (members only) click here
  • Photographs taken by various members of past events etc.
  • The 2013 European Tour video, the 2012 Irish Tour video and the Countryfile Video on the FFA
  • Joining details, information about the Objectives of the FFA and a list of committee members.
  • Members aircraft and other items for sale, including FFA clothing.
  • Members’ comments etc. which are welcomed on the web site.
  • Links to many useful sites for fliers
  • Downloads: Forms that can be printed out, information, newsletters and recently added is a file to display all FFA strips on Sky Demon (members only).

If you are interested in joining the Flying Farmers please view our Joining Page Here

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