
AIRFIELDS, General, News

GAAC Announces Matt Wilkins as new Chairman

Following many years in the capable hands of Charles Henry, the new chair of the General Aviation Awareness Council, Matt Wilkins, was elected at the recent GAAC Board Meeting. The Board thanked Charles for his many years of service and hard work on various issues including taxation, for which he chaired the APPG for (General) […]

AIRFIELDS, General, News

GAAC Highlights GA Issues & Opportunities

The General Aviation Awareness Council has listed what it sees as the principal issues and opportunities for UK General Aviation, and highlighted how it, and its supporting GA organisations, are keen to work closely with Government. This has today been issued as a News Release to Media. If you have an queries please contact

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The Skyway Code

 Practical guidance for GA pilots, students and flight instructors on operational, safety and regulatory issues relevant to their flying.  Condensing the ‘must know’ information into easy to navigate information and graphics The Skyway Code gives GA pilots a one stop shop for safety rules and advice. 

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Be PROUD and keep learning

The Civil Aviation Authority has long recognised the importance of continuous training and skills development for private pilots, as a means to ever improve the safety standards of recreational flying. For this reason, the CAA has introduced the Pilot Recognition for Operational Up-skilling and Development (PROUD) scheme. PROUD works with organisations and associations representing private

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Aviation Green Paper Issued for Consultation

Yesterday the UK government released its Aviation Green Paper, including a chapter dedicated to GA, and at the same time Byron Davies and York Aviation released their Reports on work to establish a strategic network of UK airfields (please click below each PDF to view pages within this site). [pdf-embedder url=””] [pdf-embedder url=””] [pdf-embedder url=””]


GAAC Continues To Warn Of Threat To Airfields

The General Aviation Awareness Council (GAAC), a body representing more than 40 aviation organisations, says more needs to be done to protect airfields and to establish a ‘Network’ of Airfields in law. GAAC is active in supporting the work of the various Working Groups of the All Party Parliamentary Group for General Aviation (APPG/GA) with


APPG Airspace Inquiry Outlines Terms of Reference

The following from the All Party Parliamentary Group for General Aviation announces the steps being taken by APPG to investigate the approach to airspace changes with respect to balancing the requirements of airspace users, from gliders to bizjets, and airfields/airports. APPG Airspace Inquiry Announcement [1] A list of supporting MPs and Peers as of September

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