
AIRFIELDS, General, News

GAAC Announces Matt Wilkins as new Chairman

Following many years in the capable hands of Charles Henry, the new chair of the General Aviation Awareness Council, Matt Wilkins, was elected at the recent GAAC Board Meeting. The Board thanked Charles for his many years of service and hard work on various issues including taxation, for which he chaired the APPG for (General)

AIRFIELDS, General, News

GAAC Highlights GA Issues & Opportunities

The General Aviation Awareness Council has listed what it sees as the principal issues and opportunities for UK General Aviation, and highlighted how it, and its supporting GA organisations, are keen to work closely with Government. This has today been issued as a News Release to Media. If you have an queries please contact


Aero Friedrichshafen Report by The Flying Reporter

Please click here to view on YouTube: AERO REPORT.  Aero Friedrichshafen 2024 took place 17-20 April, 2024, at Messe Friedrichshafen. The focus in his video report on microlight aircraft is interesting and a short interview (at the 10 minute mark in the video) with BMAA CEO (and GAAC Board Member) Rob Hughes sheds some light


GAAC at Aero Friedrichshafen

If you’re going to the Aero Friedrichshafen show this week and want to meet up with GAAC reps, then Ian Sheppard, our communications adviser (and researcher/writer for Aviation Week), and Chris Varley, our insurance adviser (of Approach Aviation Insurance), will be visiting the show and can meet at the GA Buyer Europe /AvBuyer stand (Hall


National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Amendments

NPPF amendments You will be aware that we have been successful in getting a General Aviation paragraph in the all-important draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The consultation closes on 10th May, and we want to ensure that the entire GA sector is backing our call to strengthen planning guidance for airfields in this country.


Government’s National Planning Policy Framework Update

Dear All, For those who have not yet seen the change to our Government’s  National Planning Policy Framework, the new paragraph added to this Policy is: 105. Planning policies should:  f) recognise the importance of maintaining a national network of  general aviation facilities – taking into account their economic value in serving business, leisure, training


Unlicensed & Uncertificated Sites

Unlicensed Sites listed in the UK AIP The Civil Aviation Authority and NATS are conducting a survey to validate the list of various unlicensed airfields and aerial sporting activity locations published in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) and depicted on CAA VFR charts. The reason for this survey is to establish whether existing published sites

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